Summer Fun of Water and Sand
I pedaled over to Revere Beach on a gorgeous July day to see the sand sculptures at the 20th Annual Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival. Got say, Revere Beach is looking better than any time in my 40+ years around Boston. The crowd was large and friendly and full of energy. What the artists do with nothing but sand and water is amazing.
My favorite was “Fish Rising” by Karen Fralich of Canada. I loved the fine gradation as sand went from smooth to rough, as well as the sculpture’s dynamic shape.
Sculptors came from the US, Canada, Europe, even Japan. There were lots of girls and young women. Alas, not a single sculpture of a man.
Also, lots of cats; no dogs. This one had amazing fur.
The winner of all categories apparently captivated everyone but me. Congratulations to “Blending In” by Jobi Bouchard, also of Canada.
Happy August to all!!!