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January 6 Vocabulary Quiz
Which definition best describes what occurred at the US Capitol on January 6:
A. An act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
B. Needless or willful damage or violence
C. A sudden decisive exercise of force in politics especially: the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group
These are three definitions from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary of words that express various forms of unrest.
If you selected ‘B’ you are in agreement with The Boston Globe’s recent headline, which describes the actions of January 6 as ‘mayhem.’ (‘A’ is the definition of insurrection; ‘C’ is a coup.)
True, what happened on January 6 was willful damage and violence. But it was so much more. It was a revolt against civil authority. It was a sudden exercise of force in the service of altering an existing government by a small group. It was beyond mayhem. It was insurrection. It was an attempted coup.
Why would The Boston Globe, not exactly a right-wing rag, headline such a misleading word less than a month after the most serious attack on our Capitol? The answer, I fear, is the same old, same old. Giving a pass to white guys.